Learn How Is Your Relation With Your Partner

Are confused about their relationship ? Be sure to read it . The thin line between relationships is very puzzling . Love it sits any friendship , love or sometimes just good friends . In this affair, so many are lonely and many willows Lailaan wasted . We 're here to tell you a little test , the real nature of the relationship with the whole picture before you can clean it . His eyes closed and calm in your heart start to Say ....

Seven nature of the relationships we 're telling you . Read on and decide which of these seven - C condition applies to your relationship . Mind you , everything will be ruined by cheating ' :

1. You 've been together for many years . Emotionally are very close to each other . But the other one does not know what he used to be alive longer Passion .

2 . If you prefer your partner to be physically very close . Romance is just a shadow on the brain all the time . But it is close just physical . If you have not thought about the future and do not have any idea of ​​commitment .

3 . Are you married or living together , much time has passed , however, propose by your tong

- e - Ishq Arrival name that does not exist . But inside you feel so connected to each other is no longer Emotionally , there is no Sexual Desire .

4 . - With your love is evergreen , despite the lapse of 6 years . Not just Sexually , but are alive Emotionally intimate between you two . There is also a lack of commitment either .

5 . Once you have a few months to come . If you Emotionally - understand each other, but no names of Passion - wound. Commitment have not thought about yet .

6 . A - the other is unconditional love . Emotionally and physically , you have come very close but has yet to be a commitment on .

7 . If you have some time together and stay with the plan . Lead a Healthy and satisfying sex life but not emotional distance can not erase .