Do not share these things boyfriend or Partner

There are some things you should keep to yourself . Every relationship has some limitations , which not only make your relationship stronger , but will also protect it from unnecessary troubles . They offer things you should not share with my boyfriend ...

1. The secret of his girlfriends to my boyfriend that it is something that should never be shared . Your friend told you these things , you will only rely on the trust of a friend and my boyfriend not going to share his confidences . In addition, girls often do not understand how this guy to do things together . So it's better that you keep away from these things boyfriend .

2 . Never share your password : Your password has to share with my boyfriend .

3 . His family is very important that you have your turn offs for you about my boyfriend 's mother or sister do not share your dislike of him and his friends . It will not only look bad , but it could be worse for your relationship .

4. Past not to express : even if you told him about your ex boyfriend but do not share more things about your ex boyfriend .