Admire your Partner ..........But Not Like This

It praises So we all know that girls love . But sir , always remember one thing while praising , occasionally they do not understand the meaning of your words , and your thereby ruining it. The point here is not what you were trying to say , but what he heard . We here are some great tips which you can try a can avoid being a victim of his anger :

Young 're looking today : Teenagers are often the only makeup , and wear clothes that seem slightly larger than that of their age . As soon as he crosses over 20 , they do not need to do it again . So when you say you look younger in age , so they think you 're saying about their small size , and obviously , this will only anger .

Smile makes you look good was : Yes , you could say that it looks bad . What do you mean ? Do not look for it without a smile ? It means 24/7 should show people your teeth , do not ! Next time , take care , do not have anywhere to go to .

I love your personality : I feel at hearing after hearing so that he will be happy and thank you too will speak of love . It may also occur . But remember one thing , only to praise his personality that you may prevail . He'll think you 're ignoring her face . So next time you have that chance , face and personality of praise .

You 're way : Do you know what he thinks  ? This is his first date with many girls have you . They always keep pursuing a dream that one day they will love and will love him most , only to come. When you speak , it will only hurt them , so keep your emotions under control .

You 're like a kid : a girl who likes to call himself would not wax doll , and nothing these days . So the next time to avoid the use of such terms . And yes , if you say the wrong interpretation if he can get you in big trouble . So avoid saying anything like that .

We mean to say that you do not appreciate it at all close. Praise , but little attention .