Sex position for reducing the weight

Do not have time to go to the gym ? Are afraid of running on the treadmill ? But the day - by - day concerns of the growing belly and the worsening figure ? No matter , we 're telling you measure it , so that you will reduce obesity , 'll have fun with . Yes, you got that right . Calories burned during sex , then you know that it is , but here we are told that sex is the most lowest position, your fat ...

Dogie Style
Every movement of the position of your hands - both feet remain active . The shoulders , biceps , Exercise quadriceps is all .

Exercise for women is considered the finest riding . This is because your lower back workout . Such as your partner , you can ride over .

It offers face to face sex has to sit on the thighs of his partner . Most of the sex position to balance the workout is .

Reverse Got
Ask your partner lie down comfortably . You sit down facing in the opposite direction of him . Exercise your calf is the Movement .

Erotic End
Give your partner sit on the couch . You sit on their thighs by circular movement . The stomach is back with Exercise of your thighs .

Modified missionary
But managed to oldest . Just a little Modify time. Circle on their backs with their feet . Squeeze your butt muscles with every movement - these , Squeeze - out . This is the Exercise of your lower back .